Jan 1, 2011


A new year. As always, a whole lot of talk about what we're going to do this year, what resolutions are we making, start of a new year, new beginnings and such. We're in a bit of a deep freeze right now too, so all I want to do is hunker down with books and craftiness in front of the fire. Three months of that, and I should have so much done!

No set resolutions for me, besides to look after myself better and craft more. But that's not so much a New Year's Resolution as something I tell myself A L L the time!

Instead - The List of 2011... work in progress

  1. Reorganize and decorate the Creative Zone.
  2. Redecorate my bedroom - grey, blue, beige. Dropping the beach theme and going for more floral and vintage look.
  3. Start an "all about me" scrapbook by doing monthly challenges with my Soul Sistas
  4. Prepare and teach some courses at Grasshopper Gallery; including paper quilling and a Project 12 scrapbooking monthly class.
... more to follow ...


Arlie said...

Fanastic list Heather, can't wait for the monthly challenges with my Soul Sistas too!

Eryn said...

Me too!! In fact, I've been searching for some great ideas to challenge us with!

Looking forward to Project 12 and learning new things too!